Calcium and Hydrogen Flocculi, surrounding the great Sun-spot of 1903, October 9 low level H1. slit at 3962, 3h 43m. C.S.T., medium level H1. slit at 3966, 3h 43m. C.S.T. taken with the Rumford Spectroheliograph and 40-inch refractor of Yerkes Observatory by G.E. Hale and F. Ellerman Calcium and Hydrogen Flocculi 1903
Calcium and hydrogen flocculi, surrounding the great sun-spot of 1903, October 9, High level H2 slit at 3968.6, 3h.30m. C.S.T. Hydrogen slit at centre of Hs, 1h. 4m C.S.T., taken with the Rumford Spectroheliograph and 40-inch refractor at Yerkes Observatory by G.E. Hale and F. Ellerman Calcium and hydrogen flocculi 1903
High level (H2) calcium vapour surrounding the Great Sun-spot of 1903, October 10, 9h. 9m. C. S.T. slit at 3968.6 Sun's diam. = .77 metre, taken with the Rumford spectroheliograph and 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory by G.E. Hale and F. Ellerman High level (H2) calcium vapour surrounding the Great Sun-spot of 1903 1903
Medium level (H) calcium vapour, surrounding the great sun-spot of 1903, October 10, 9h. 39m. C.S.T. slit at 3966.5, suns diam = .77 metre, taken with the Rumford spectroheliograph and 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory by G.E. Hale and F. Ellerman Medium level (H) calcium vapour 1903
Higher (H1) calcium vapour surrounding the great sun-spot of 1903, October 10, 10h, 59m. C.S. T., slit at 3967.5 suns diam. = .77 metre taken with the Rumford spectoheliograph and 40-inch refractor of the Yerkes Observatory by G.E. Hale and F. Ellerman Higher (H1) calcium vapour surrounding the great sun-spot of 1903 1903
Eruptive prominence, photographed at the Kenwood Observatory, Chicago 1895, March 24, 22h. 40m. C.M.T. Eruptive prominence 1895
Eruptive prominence, photographed at the Kenwood Observatory, Chicago 1895 24 22h 58m. C.M.T. Eruptive prominence 1895
Quiescent prominence, photographed at the Kenwood Observatory, Chicago 1895 July 3, 4h, 10m, C.M. T. Quiescent prominence 1895